Indoor Boiler


Registered User
We have an indoor boiler (firebird) situated in the utility room of our bungalow, it has been working fine for this past 7 years it is serviced every year including last october, however recently there is a strange smell comming from the boiler,very difficult to describe, not unlike the smell of ammonia and seems to be worse if the wind changes. Any opinions on what this could be? Thanks in advance.
Would be inclined to ring the service guy and see what he has to say about the problem. As he services it on a regular basis he is the person who is most familiar with the workings.
What are the past measuring protocols saying? These must be provided by the service men to the home owner/ocupants.
"Looking at the boiler" is not the idea of servicing. Get the measurement results showing CO2, CO and NOx as well as temperature. Signed by the service people. And then compare them with the numbers in the brochure/ users manual of your boiler to find out what's wrong.