Indo: "Mortgage-to-rent scheme helps, but thousands will still struggle"



Interested to hear what people think of the announcement today (article in today's indo) about a mortgage to rent transaction being close to finalised.

Is this a logical part of the overall solution to the arrears issue or just more political grandstanding for not a lot of product?

Seems to me that if the only those households eligible for social housing are being targeted, the impact will be minimal.
"UP to 10,000 people may eventually benefit from new schemes that would see them giving up ownership of their homes but getting to stay in the house and renting it instead.

However, these new mortgage-to-rent schemes will be limited to those who have unsustainable mortgages.

In other words, you will need to be in a situation where you are unlikely to ever be able to meet the payments because your income has been destroyed, and you are facing eviction.

Also, those families benefiting will have to be eligible for social housing.

For most parts of the country this means a family will not qualify if there is an income of more than €42,000 between three adults and four children.

The deal involving GE Money is the first of its kind in the country.

Now the Department of Environment, under the guidance of Housing Minister Jan O'Sullivan (below), is to launch a pilot scheme involving AIB and its subsidiary EBS.

How many struggling families eventually benefit from mortgage-to-rent schemes will depend on the amount of housing funding the Department of Environment can secure.

Some €400m has been allocated to the department this year for social housing, but not all of this will be used for the new mortgage-to-rent schemes.

If there is funding, lenders are likely to find the schemes highly attractive as it will allow them to offload troublesome mortgages.

The alternative is a repossession for a house they will be unable to sell.

One thing is for sure -- there will be no free lunches."

- Charlie Weston
I can see no benefit to the home owner if theyncan afford the rent that should be paying off the loan and the write down given to the home owner, too me it just looks like another layer of parasites.
Not sure what you mean PiedPiper. If I understand it correctly and if it operates like mortgage to rent schemes in other jurisdictions there are major benefits in it for participating households. The basic idea would be that instead of a household in chronic arrears having their house repossessed and ending up on a council waiting list, they surrender the property to their lender who then sells the house to a voluntary housing body or the council. The mortgagee becomes a tenant but stays on in the house - pretty sweet if your only option is the Court and repossession.