Indiscreet mobile phone conversations

Aren't those devices illegal (to operate) in Ireland?
Personally, I'd rather listen to people talking on their phones, though sadly it's rarely interesting than have to listen to the tinny noise of iPods. I have thought of asking people to turn their iPods down....haven't yet.

I'd ask them to share their music but if it's like the experience of driving in summer in Dublin traffic, you'd just get blasted with the most awful hip hop.
Aren't those devices illegal (to operate) in Ireland?

Yes. ComReg issued a consultation document a few years ago where they were prepared to consider proposals for the use of mobile call interceptors instead that would let emergency calls through (e.g. from cinemas). Can't find anything since then so presumably nothing's changed.
This is off thread slightly but thought I'd share it. True story.......happened to my friend in a Dublin hotel bar about 18 years ago when mobile phones were relatively uncommon. She and friends were enjoying their drinks when this debonair man about town type sits down and then proceeds to have a long , loud business conversation on his phone.They were all earwigging when suddenly a phone starts ringing loudly.........with a VERY RED face the fellow then answers his own phone.
Since then I'm always dubious of people who have loud conversations on their mobiles. Is it just they're plain ignorant or is there a touch of letting the rest of us know that they're not a Billy No Mates!!!

Funny, I heard that same story about 18 years ago when mobiles were new ...except different location and the man was a tradesman. The person that told said it was true too!

Urban legend or what?!?!?