Indiscreet mobile phone conversations

Was getting the bus home the other evening and some foreign guy
What is the relevance of this?
had his phone on loudspeaker from O'connell street to Glasnevin. He shouted into the phone for the entire journey, I'm sure the whole bus could hear him. Had no idea what he was saying as I couldn't even figure what language he was speaking
Surely there's a possibility that he was an Irish citizen who happened to be able to speak another language?
but the arrogance of it I couldn't get over!
Lets give everyone on the bus a headache as I want to show off that I've a speaker phone!
Why didn't you ask him to stop if it was bothering you? I was on a bus recently and the same thing happened. Didn't bother me but it did bother another woman who politely asked the person to switch the phone off speaker and he did.
Clubman, she's just citing an example of some bad manners she saw on a bus. It doesn't need to be dissected like a thesis.

Not everyone has the nerve to approach people on buses and ask them to stop doing something, as you never know what kind of a reaction you're going to get. Also, if he appeared to be a foreign national, people are nervous of being accused of racism.
Yes arrogance. In the same way that the little scumbags who play chipmonk music on their phones loudly and smoke joints down the back of the bus are being arrogant by displaying a complete lack of consideration for anyone else around them. As someone else said. it's "I'm important I'm on the mobile".

I assumed that he was foreign in the same way that, if for example I rolled into Pakistan the locals would naturally assume I wasn't a native due to the colour of my skin and by how I spoke. He nationality has really nothing to do with it other than I've no idea what he had to be so animated about.

The point is, that I've never until now had the displeasure of having anyone blast their conversations on the loudspeaker of their phone whilst on a bus, shouting is bad enough. In my mind it's a new low to put up with on the journey home.

I keep myself to myself on the bus,I don't go asking people to stop what they're doing for fear of reprisal. In the same way I wouldn't ask anyone to stop smoking on the bus for fear of what might happen.

I thought this was letting off steam??????
Clubman, she's just citing an example of some bad manners she saw on a bus. It doesn't need to be dissected like a thesis.
This is a discussion forum remember? I'll "dissect" posts whatever way I choose within the posting guidelines.
Also, if he appeared to be a foreign national, people are nervous of being accused of racism.
As it happens the guy in question on the incident that I mentioned seemed to be a foreign national. Nobody accused the woman of being racist and he just acceded to her request.

He nationality has really nothing to do with it other than I've no idea what he had to be so animated about.
I don't go asking people to stop what they're doing for fear of reprisal. In the same way I wouldn't ask anyone to stop smoking on the bus for fear of what might happen.
Maybe you and liaconn should lock yourselves in your houses and never venture out so? Sounds like you are both of too nervous a disposition to use public transport in case something happens to you?
I thought this was letting off steam??????
Did I say that it wasn't?
Do the last few posts qualify as an indiscreet slagging match?

I rarely have to use public transport but if I have have to to go to Dublin on the train and then onto the luas I always have my ipod on so I hear nothing.

That said I have a friend who talks loudly into her phone and it drives me mad - when she's round at mine she takes calls and will have a lenghty coversation or arrange a night out. When I'm round at hers I always silence my phone.

I rarely have to use public transport but if I have have to to go to Dublin on the train and then onto the luas I always have my ipod on so I hear nothing.

I hope you're not one of those people that seem to listen to the same repetitive beat incessantly for 30 minutes. Boom-diddy-boom-boom-boom-boom.
Problem solved and annoying person peed off for good measure


A friend of mine got one of these recently. He found his bus and train journeys blissful until his wife suggested that the signal blocker could also block vital calls as well as the "It's important, I'm on the mobile" kind. Now he's wondering whether he can wrestle with his conscience and win........