India Equity Good or Bad?

What the

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My Pension broker has advised that I start to invest in this fund. It increased 97% last year and 12% so far this year. I know nothing about equities but would like to hear other opinions.
My small investment in India Equity is still down about 25% over the last few years.
Long term (5yrs min) probably a good play - as part of a balanced and diversified portfolio. Make sure you can't get exposure though other lower costing vehicles though - maybe an ETF?
I have money in some funds through a investment fund account with a bank (only small amounts in each) - since the crash had been in minus figures in all of them. However, some of them are showing a slight recorvery including an Inidan one - may be just temporary and could plummet again of course
The issues here are (a) do you already have investments in emerging markets? If not, as emerging markets are an asset class, you should consider an investment here, but would need to consider whether it is better to make a one country bet (e.g. India) or to invest in something that gives you a more diversified spread of emerging markets. Also, you would need to weigh up what percentage of your portfolio is appropriate to invest in emerging markets. (b) If you already have a diversified investment in emerging markets, you could consider a one country bet, but would also need to determine if this would give you overexposure to this asset class, i.e. weigh up what percentage of your portfolio is appropriate to invest in emerging markets. Note you will also be exposed to foreign currency risk.
India is on a high P/E - Approx 20 or so.

Also one of the highest price to book at 3.5 or so.

I like India long term but thing it is looking top heavy short term especially as a tightening of Indian interest rates is on the cards at some point.

I think later on in 2010 there may be better value, but if you are in it for 20 years + then it should be a good ride.
Last September Marc Faber was advising Yanks to put 50% into emerging markets.
For Long term investment( 20 yrs +) aren't China/india and other EM's a no brainer investment given huge growth potential?
Last September Marc Faber was advising Yanks to put 50% into emerging markets.
For Long term investment( 20 yrs +) aren't China/india and other EM's a no brainer investment given huge growth potential?

Yes, and Faber is one of the few people in the world to losten to.

However emerging market investment is a marathon not a sprint. Evetyone has piled in recently. There may be better value to wait to invest. Certainly with India which is one of the most expensive markets in the world.

The cheapest play on emerging markets IMO now is Japan. Dirt cheap, unloved and their companies are performing excellently from the Asian growth story.

Macro issues affecting a coutry should not be confused with invstment potential.

Faber has recently said wait foor a correction on India. I agree.
Great Article about Indian Economy and Stockmarket-

<H1>India Economy and Stock Market Relentless Surge
Last September Marc Faber was advising Yanks to put 50% into emerging markets.
For Long term investment( 20 yrs +) aren't China/india and other EM's a no brainer investment given huge growth potential?

No such thing as a no-brainer in the investing world (rem how people used to say that about property). Markets are v good at pricing in the risk so at any one time the price is fair value.

Investments like the above are directional bets. You have to hope you have made the correct bet and you won't know that until the story plays out.