Index Funds in Ireland


Registered User
Hi all,

Do you know if there are any low cost passively managed index funds available in Ireland?

I rang Vanguard UK, and they told me that you have to be resident in the UK to be eligible to use their index fund products.

You are referring to un listed ( on the stock market) UK unit trusts. I phoned Fidelity in the UK last month and got the same response.
Instead you need to be looking at listed exchange traded funds ETFs. These are low cost tracker funds that track an index like the FTSE 100. There are many threads on this site about exchange traded funds under the main heading of investments.
Have a look !!

I will check it out!
This is a marketing problem. Vanguard are not registered for sale in Ireland.

However, there is no problem accessing their funds through an authorised adviser, we have been recommending Vanguard funds to our clients for several years now.

The main advantage of doing this is that we are not subject to their investment minimums. For example, one of the funds we use has a €5 million minimum investment. We are not subject to these account minimums.