Inda sacking Richard Bruton


Registered User
Any views on this? Is Inda a gonner?

I got the sense that he is trying too hard to prove that he is a strong leader - thinks that sacking someone before they get an opportunity to oppose him makes him look strong. Personally I think he's misread the situation and it's backfired on him. If Inda remains, FG will lose the next election & Gilmore will be Taoiseach. Though, very bad news for FF if FG get their act together and replace him.
Inda is a nice man but he is useless on economic matters and for the next few years all that will matter are economic matters.
Very Stalinist (or is it Stalinesque) of Enda!

Pathetic stuff really

Brian Cowen should call a snap election while Fine Gael are in such disarray.
Today we are being treated to a no-confidence vote for brian cowen. This should be headline news. Instead, FG/enda kenny have taken the limelight.

Clearly neither side should be in power.

FF/FG = Laurel & Hardy.
Kenny didn't have a choice. The problem for FG is that both men have strong support and therefore whatever the result, the will end up with a deeply divided party. The ironic thing is that I don't think Richard Bruton would be a better leader than Enda Kenny.

Real winner is Labour who must be laughing. They say nothing and still become the most popular party in the Country. Irish voters are mugs.
Yes but the alternative is Happy Gilmore and Moan Burton. Sound bites and populist economic drivel. It would be like Bertie’s Fianna Fail with the Unions pulling the strings instead of the developers (and unions). They are anti-business and innovation and think that they can tax their way out of recession.
Real winner is Labour who must be laughing. They say nothing and still become the most popular party in the Country. Irish voters are mugs.
Hear hear. It'd be funny if I didn't live here.
I think the George Lee episode was the beginning of the end for the working relationship between Enda and Bruton.

Bruton has a masters in economics from Oxford and did his thesis on Irish public debt. Bringing in populist TV pundit George Lee into the party as their economic expert when they already had a more qualified expert on staff was a big mistake and a big insult to Bruton.
Kenny didn't have a choice. The problem for FG is that both men have strong support and therefore whatever the result, the will end up with a deeply divided party.


Kenny only had the leadership with Bruton's consent. Now that Bruton is getting anxious, following last week's opinion poll, he's withdrawing support. However, what he may have overlooked is that Kenny has built up his own power base in the PP since 2002 and while Bruton may garner enough PP votes to win a leadership election, there will be a significant rump plotting their revenge, rather than putting their efforts into offering a viable alternative for Government.

Then again, as some tweeted earlier today ".. backing Varadkar to tear all their guts out and stand beating his chest atop the bone heap" "

If Labour are the largest party in the next government, would the last person to leave the country please turn out the lights?
If Labour are the largest party in the next government, would the last person to leave the country please turn out the lights?

They won't be.

They can't be - they haven't the consitiuency organisations to gain that number of seats.

Where can they win more than one seat in a constituency ? If you can name one, can you name twenty, cos that's the scale of gain they have to achieve.
At a time when this country needs leadership, none of the 3 biggest parties seem to be able to step up to the plate.

FF - Cowen, enough said.
FG - Kenny - its looking like he'll survive and lead FG into oblivion.
Lab - dont run enough candidates to win an election.

So who's left? Is there anyone who wants to win the next election?

Good common sense there. I'm not disappointed Bruton is making his heave, but it annoys me that it's off the back of an opinion poll.

It's pure laziness to translate opinion poll %'s into seats. Look at the lib dems!

The best you can hope for is to guage some kind of swing since the last election and then you need to go through constituency by constituency to figure what it all means in terms of seats.

There's probably an absolute upper bound of 40 labour seats no matter how well they're polling.

I'm glad Tarfhead has pointed out some common sense
Kenny is a dead-man walking even if he survives today

Labour and FF won't want to see him gone, after all, if the polls are to be believed, a lot of people out there won't vote FG because they can't see EK as Taoiseach. If anything, he's one of FF biggest vote getters. FG would probably get an immediate bounce with Bruton in charge.

Whether or not Bruton is up to it, time will tell.
Enda put it up to the Front Bench this morning. Speaking and then telling them that there will be a reshuffle next week.
Bruton definately has the majority of the front bench support but Enda seems to have a lot of the parlimentary party support.
Either way, FG looks evenly divided and the country screwed.

I cant see FF being wiped out in the next general election the way all the commentators are saying. They will be hurt badly in all the urban areas yes, but Irish people still vote using the cult of personality and there would be a lot of strong personalities in FF. Can anyone see O'Dea being ousted in Limerick, Martin in Cork or Blaney in Donegal?
Likewase (as Tarfhead alluded to) can you see Michael O'Dea taking on a running mate in Galway or Labour running two candidates in Kerry North?

The next election will certainly be interesting but it won't be the wipeout most are expecting.

I dont think you are comparing like for like here.. In the UK its first past the post but Proportional Representation in Ireland.
With PR (as a rule of thumb) the percentage normally does reflect the amount of seats won.
Nine frontbenchers have now come out and said they do not support Enda. The are... Simon Coveney, Denis Naughten, Olwyn Enright, Olivia Mitchell, Fergus O'Dowd, Michael Creed, Billy Timmins, Leo Varadkar and Brian Hayes.

The game is up.
theres alot of "floating voters" out there who are looking for an alternative to FF and just will not vote for Enda and now especially not for Enda. The least popular govt in history and Enda's just not taking avantage . Its a no brainer for FG, Bruton as leader their popularity will surge. Whatever about what the grass root FGers think and whatever about the hard work Enda had done in the last 8 years and how he's a good manager, FG members arent going to win the next election its the ordinary Joe on the street who need to be convinced.
FG are not in dissary because of this, Bruton will win and FG will shoot up.