Incorrect Litter Fine..waste of time/money


Registered User
As per title.....

Received a litter fine to my address in Cork, "a male driver noted disgarding a cigarette end from the drivers window", advised that it took place on such and such a date in Dublin City and that the vehicle was "clearly a Silver BMW" with blah blah Registration Number - the fine was €150 euro.

I live in Cork, work in Cork and was in work in Cork on the date/time this took place, the registration number the litter warden put on the fine is mine, which is obviously the error, but my car clearly is not a Silver BMW I can assure you as was stated on the fine, why dont the council check the reg number to confirm make/model to avoid this confusion?

So I rang the Dublin City Waste Management Dept and explained the serveral issues with the fine and why it was not mine, to point out I did speak to a helpful person and she laughed and said typical, that she would look after it but I have to go through the appeals process which is:

1. She will post me out an appeal form
(they did not have a scanner in D.C.C so she couldnt email it)
2. I have to complete the form appealing the fine stating why I feel its incorrect (as per above "clearly" not mine!)
3.Return the form to DCC who will review and decide.
4.They will then write back to me confirming whether the fine is upheld or squashed.

Taking into consideration the process to get the fine out to me and now the appeal process to give it back it is just such a waste of time/money for a clerical mistake that they could not rectify over the phone by checking the Reg Number & Make Model day one!!!

Ok rant over....this country sometimes....
That`s just crazy! Even one of the free online car history sites will give you (them) an instant read out of the make and model of any registration entered. Pure but typical inefficiency.
There could be a fake reg number (ie, yours) on that silver BMW, to avoid speeding fines etc...