Inconsiderate Politicians


Registered User
What planet are these political types on? Have they any connection with the man/woman in the street?

They decide they are running one of these "election" yokes tonight with important matches facing the women's soccer team, who play Wales tonight, and two of our provincial rugby teams who face off in the URC, also tonight. The politcos think we have nothing better to do with our precious time than to scribble numbers on bits of paper using soft-tipped blue marker pencils while earth-shattering events take place on a rugby field or a telly close to you.

Adding massive insult to already huge insult tomorrow, half the country will be adding up the number of pre-adolescent marks on the bits of paper while Ireland battles South Africa for the top spot in the World Rugby table. Have they any concept of what's important to Sean agus Sile ar an sráid?

Is it any wonder they seem surprised that the turnout for their self-centered event looks like it'll be poor, AGAIN?

Get out more often lads & lassies and talk to the sports supporters, aka "the electorate", and do a bit of proper scheduling work, please.

Disgruntled, voting for a Portroe man in North Kilkenny.
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I was surprised they started the count in Kilkenny on Saturday given the u21C county final was on. Very bad form.

All joking aside, given the low(ish) turn out, there is merit in having the election over 2 days but I guess the logistics and security required to lockdown a polling station would be quite horrendous. But the Yanks can do it so why not us?
They could setup a couple of locations per constituency that are open for early voting.
yes, but given the fact that voting in Ireland depends on someone drawing a line through your name on a piece of paper to show you have voted, we'd have to upgrade how we manage polling in general
yes, but given the fact that voting in Ireland depends on someone drawing a line through your name on a piece of paper to show you have voted, we'd have to upgrade how we manage polling in general
Some sort of solution involving the peak of 20th century technology... the fax machine... is warranted?
That mightn't frighten the horses.
Maybe we should look at buying some electronic voting machines.
But what would RTE have done over the last 2 or 3 days?

And lets be honest, looking at the 12th count on a Sunday evening and wondering what will happen if the SF or FF gets eliminated next is much more fun then the Antiques Roadshow
Maybe we should look at buying some electronic voting machines.
Let me guess, you know someone with a heap of redundant Motorolla-based computers and warehouses to store them in? If I check the back of the brother's garage, I might even have memory and mass-storage upgrades for them and compatible modems and dot-matrix printers!
We manage to bank online, we claim our medical insurance online, we select and pay our motor and household insurance online , we deal with Ros and claim tax refunds online and yet in what is supposed to be one of the world’s most technologically advanced countries in the world we go into a confession box with a blunt pencil to vote.
Time to shake up this archaic system and bring it into the modern world. As for the gombeen practice of throwing newly elected representatives up in the air don’t get me started. It’s cringeworthy.