Incomplete work by former employee.


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We had to let go one of our employees last month. We owe him a months wages. We have technically no problem paying him, we are jsut waiting on funds to come through. We have spoken to him about this and while nto very happy, he knows our situation and knows we wont renage on his money. We had planned to pay him at the end of this month as we are due contract payments.
My question is this, we have since found several unfinished jobs by him, jobs which he signed off on as complete. This has happened a few times since he left and I am seriously bugged over it. the jobs are in some of our biggest clients and he is supposed to be highly qualifed and skilled at is job. Not someone you would expect to have to check and double check. It irks me to pay him his full wages when he didnt do his job properly. Is this something i have to just suck up or do I have any recourse at all. I am inclined to just pay him and be done with it too.
I've not seen any managers who whine about subordinates not doing their job last very long. It's a reflection on them.
No, you cannot as such choose not to pay him, unless you fired him due to some gross misconduct (and even then it will be very difficult).
I don't think you would have any chance if it goes in front of a judge, which it will go if you don't pay him.
I'd say be happy that he is gone as he can't make any more damage. The risk of doing business and having employees...
While I dont know how your business/company operates, I would have thought you would have been keeping an eye on your biggest clients and the services being given to them?
Nope, not at the salary he was paid. He was paid to manage these customers. Im not whining, I am very clear that this guy did not do his job properly. Should I pretend he did? We are very glad he is gone. Its amazing to me that in this climate the attitude some people have to work.
We work 24/7 and provide employment in this county while its going down the pan in many areas. Thankless task.
Yes newirishman, we will just pay him and be very careful of who we give a job to in the future.

There's no excuse if this guy didn't do his job properly, or misled you. However, you might want to think about what controls you can put in place to prevent it happening again, rather than merely relying on employing someone you think you can trust.
Yep, lessons learned and all that. Still, I am actually amazed at what people think is ok in the workplace these days.