Incompetence & lack of customer service

1. Passport and Driving Licence - to confirm who you are.
2. Recent Utility Bill - to confirm where you live.
3. Bank Statement - to know what kind of bread available to you and what is coming in and going out.

Ask me another . . . .
Well they already know who I am as I have been doing business with them since 1998. They are only updating their AML records.

The documentation that they sent me was in respect of Anti-Money Laundering Law legislation. The Central Bank legislation is only concerned with Photo and address identification. I have no problem providing this.

Whether I have funds to buy shares is a separate matter and should not be dealt with as part of Anti-Money Laundering legislation.
How often does the Financial Institution have to update it's records for an existing customer?

I always thought that you had a menu of items that you could provide to confirm your address details rather than having to provide specific items such as a bank statement?
Myself & Mrs. Firefly went into Ulster Bank on a recent Sat morning to open bank accounts for the kids. The kids were with us and all excited (I told them I would double their pocket money if they put it into the bank as opposed to keeping it "handy" at home). We had all the paper work with us and the girl behind the counter (who didn't want to be there) told us we would need to make an appointment. I asked her could we fill out all the forms and for her to take the documents she needed and we could then follow up during the week but she said no. The place was empty. Both our kids are under 10 and they lost a pair of customers for a long time.
That wasn't really the girl's fault, it's the UB system, she couldn't open them there and then as they have to follow a big long procedure (which to be honest I think is more about cross selling but that's another story) and it has to be appointment as it has to be filled in as you go on the screen in an office which then prints it out for signing.

It hasn't been possible to open an account at the counter in there for a long time.

Head off again for the credit union

Sorry for you getting offended Tintagel, but I only answered what you asked. I go into my local post-office at least twice a week and am on first name terms with the two friendly girls who work there. I had to cash a €300 postal/money order and was still obliged to provide identification i.e. in this case my driving licence. It didn't take long. Perhaps, I am just one of those innocents who provides what's asked, doesn't illegally enter yellow boxes, doesn't park on double yellow lines, stops on red etc?

If I could only spend a few hours with you, I suppose I could turn into something different.
Leper. I think you are missing my point.

The Central bank wants me to provide photographic proof of identification and proof of my address. Nothing else.

There is a list of items of documentation that I have a choice of providing.

My stockbroker however, is insisting that I provide a copy of my bank statement plus a utility bill.

The Central Bank has not said that I HAVE to provide a copy of my bank statement. I have a choice of items that I can provide.

This is about proof of identity and address.

It seems as if my stockbroker is looking for additional information about me by asking me for my bank statement and using the Anti Money Laundering legislation as an excuse to get this information from me.


In your Post Office case the staff might need to put your ID details on the back of the Postal Order if you do not maintain an account so that you can be contacted down the road if there is a problem with the postal order. I worked in a bank for many years. I remember cashing a stolen postal order for an individual. It took nearly 3 months for the postal order to be returned unpaid. Sometimes the only "memory" of the transaction is the ID or reference that is written on it at the time of cashing.

I'm with KBC too and I love them. The best bank I have ever used bar none. Do not speak to me about Ulster bank. And I will not darken the door of AIB or BofI.
If I could only spend a few hours with you, I suppose I could turn into something different.

Once a Lemming then always a Lemming springs to mind.

It seems to me that some companies are putting their own take on what the regulations are. Even individuals at "the counter" are making up rules as they go along. Tin God syndrome! No harm in double checking, rather than follow like a Lemming.
I'm about to go the Post Office with AML documentation. It's for a maturing National Solidarity Bond. I had the same rigmarole four years ago when I opened it. As then, I'm going to print an online ESB bill and hope they don't notice it's not an original. I have literally zero utilities, banks etc. who ever send me physical mail anymore which is why I can't understand how AML requirements can be so far behind the times. Does nobody else have this problem? I also have to produce some official Revenue documentation for proof of PPSN. The only thing I have is a demand letter for €100 (based on me doing a tax return for ten years ago just to make sure I was 100% up to date, which they then made impossible to pay online). Anyone know if that will suffice? It's on Revenue official paper and has my address and PPSN on it.
I also have to produce some official Revenue documentation for proof of PPSN
You are not receiving any payment from anyone ? You don't have a P60 or a P45 ? If you put your PPS number into revenue to get your local office do they recognize it ? Maybe you could ask them for a letter if that's the case.
Nope. No payments. No P60 or P45. I pay Revenue some PRSI every year, can't remember if the receipt is online or by letter. Apparently you can get some sort of letter from them by asking. Turns out I didn't need it anyway -- I misread the Nat. Solidarity Bond form. You only need the AML documentation for repayment if you are changing address so I am sorted for now. The general problem remains though for any future dealings -- I simply do not get any identifying information by post. Every single thing is online these days -- ESB, waste collection, water, TV, internet, phone, bank account, credit card statements, car and house insurance, and everything else I can think of. I thought I was being environmentally responsible by ensuring I get no paper mail. I don't do paid work, I'm not on a pension, and I don't claim any welfare payments so I generally have no contact with DSP or Revenue (except online, once per year).
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EBAY - worst customer service in the whole planet :mad: God help anyone that has the misfortune to deal with them.
Only this morning I was off getting my Laya Healthcare payment receipt photocopied as proof of address as well as my credit card statement (redacted). The people I am dealing with are insisting on two items of proof of address as well as photo I.D. I am not sure why they need two items. They are saying it is a Central Bank requirement but I cannot find any details about this!
It seems to me that some companies are putting their own take on what the regulations are.

Yes that is what they have to do. The CB lays down the requirements, not how they are to be met. The CB says that banks must have proof of a customers identity and address. The bank then must develop a policy to meet that requirement. therefore not all banks policies will be the same.

Banks also change their policies all the time, for example a mobile phone bill used to be acceptable form of proof of address in many banks, however when they discovered how easy it is to get a false address on this, they decided that it was no longer acceptable.

Of course, there is nothing to stop banks looking for additional information under the guise of meeting CB requirements. However if they were then to use that for marketing purposes, that would be a breach of the Data Protection act.