Hi there,
Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I took out a mortgage with PTSB back in 2003 and I went for one of those all inclusive i.e. one with life policy, home insurance etc. I just found out recently that I have been paying income protection of €34.93 per month for the past number of years. I know I must have ticked the option initially for this income protection and understand that it is completly my fault but I don't remember ever receiving any documentation on a yearly basis indicating that I was paying this income protection. PTSB said that a yearly letter is sent out but does not go into the specifics of each policy, but only gives the montly insurance amount that is paid.
I phoned both PTSB and Genworth Financial trying to get some info about when do they send out documentation etc about the policy but they keep on blaming each other. I have cancelled the protection now but am annoyed that I never noticed this as if I had received any documentation, I would have cancelled this protection a long time ago. Has anyone had a similar issue?
Many thanks,