Income Protection Policies

I'm unaware of any statement of intent to do so from the Dept of Finance but am open to correction.

However, the recent Commission on Taxation Report raised the possibility of a change in the method of giving tax relief for pension premia- rather than deducting the premia and calculating tax/PRSI etc on the net salary, it's suggested that you pay tax/PRSI on gross pay and the government will make a 'SSIA style' topup contribution to the pension fund.

It's not known yet if this suggestion will be implemented but if it is, it may also translate into a change in the treatment / abolition of relief for Income Protection/ Permanent Health Insurance premia.
Not known but id suggest probably not on the basis that Income Protection in some forms keeps people off social welfare. From that point of view id consider it unlikely. (due to politics - finance is a whole different area)