Income levy overpayment?


Registered User
I was in receipt of allowances from my employment for the past 3 years due to my being out sick, due to an injury on duty, recently. This amounted to quite a sizeable amount, and though this amount represented income I should have been in receipt of before January 2009, I was deducted an income levy.
As I understand, income levy is calculated at 1%, and though I don't think I should have been paying any levy on this backdated income, I paid 2.78%.
It was the last payment from my employment, it did not include any 'weekly income' payment. I have been pensioned off, due to ill health, and will be in receipt of a very small pension as I only had 10 years service of a 40 year pension.
Can I claim this back, and if so, how would I go about it. I also paid an awful amount of tax.
Also, seperately, while I was on pension rate of pay for the past 2 years or so, I would be without pay for weeks or sometimes months on end while awaiting results from doctors etc. Weekly, I would'nt pay any tax as my earnings were very little, but when I got my 'back pay' I would pay a lot of tax. What I'm saying is, if I had been in receipt of this pay on a weekly basis, I would'nt have paid anything on it. Should I get a rebait on this too.
Would a visit to my tax office be in order, what should I bring with me.
1) As regards any net tax paid on earnings in the last 2 years if you have P60s for year end then you can request Revenue to issue Balancing Statements ( P21's) for the relevant years. Ensure you have included all income both PAYE and any taxable Social Welfare ( if any) , dividends etc. and all claims, medical expenses, refuse etc. If there has been any overpayment as a result of erratic application of PAYE rules by the employer, Revenue would refund you.

2) As regard the Income Levy, I believe there have ben several threads on that recently on AAM and I believe ( open to correction) that any income RECEIVED in 2009, regardless of when it was earned, is Levied on the 2009 rules. You could request clarification for this from Revenue though.
Even if this were the case regarding the income levy, it should still have been only 1%. Is this correct. Not 2.78%.
Thanks for the other info re tax.
The 1% rate covered up to €1925 per week. Higher than this and you paid 2% up to €4810 a week. If you have overpaid income levy for 2009 you will be able to have the excess refunded, from Revenue in 2010, or your employer ( if any) at the end of 2009.
Send in a Form 12 after 31/12/09 to claim overpaid tax back.