Income Cash Plan


Registered User
Has anyone any experience of making a claim with April Insurity. Their web page states that they will not ask for proof of earnings, yet the opposite happened?
The claim is for a torn cruciate ligament.
1. They have demanded a full medical history yet no medical was required to take out the policy
2. They have demanded detailed financial details.
Has April breached Advertising standards and/or Data Protection in the "mining" of superflous information.?
Don,t know April Insurity but they are probably nothing more than glorified agents. Normally on income/cash plans ,the customer nominates the amount they want covered for for each month of claiming.
Normally no medical is required ,other than customer isn,t covered for ongoing/recent potential issues. I can,t see torn ligaments being OTHER THAN A CLEAR CLAIM.
I can,t see the reason/fairness in DEMANDING financial details.
Probably are breeching some Rules , BUT REALITY LOOKS LIKE A CLEAR CLAIM ,so tell THEM , don,t ASK them to pay out...
From experience this smells like usual stalling on income protection policies.
I have no agency with April Insurety and no connection with them so these are just amateur observations from someone who's worked in the broader insurance business for a long time: -

1. This product is sold on the basis that you're accepted immediately without requesting any medical details, but it has a couple of big exclusions. For example "All pre-existing medical conditions are automatically excluded - unless you have been free from its symptoms and have not consulted any Doctor or received any treatment for it, for a two year period prior to a claim."

Personally I don't like this type of contract as my opinion is that it's designed to facilitate a smooth sale, but you may be caught out by the exclusions when you want to claim. In my opinion, better Income Protection policies request all your medical details up-front at point of sale and decide to cover you for pre-existing ailments, or not, before you commit yourself. You know where you stand.

That said, April Insurety are well within their rights to look for medical evidence now as part of their claim process.

2. Their website does indeed claim that "if you ever need to make a claim, we will never ask for proof of earnings." So if they are asking for financial details, I'd go back to them on this and ask them why are they contradicting their own claims. Their booklet does say "Although proof of earnings will not be required when you make a claim, proof that you have been working will be needed."

Read through the policy conditions and booklet from the link above.

Did you take out this cover through a broker? If so, the broker may help you through the claim process.​