Inappropiate use of word "haul"


Registered User
Why does the media use the word "haul" in circumstances say where a body has been recovered from a river or the sea and now the Revenue commissioners are being "hauled" to some Dail Committee. My meaning of the word is to pull and drag along.
The use of that term struck me too. It suggests that the Revenue Commissioners were unwilling to attend. Which may not be true.
Also that the committee is powerful. Which may not be true.
It’s just PR-speak. Any similarity between PR-speak and the English language is a coincidence.
Because the act of recovery generally involved pulling or tugging which are synonymous with hauling.

I heard a great piece on the radio today where people were having an ordinarly conversation in tabloid speak.

" how is your son nigel,27?"

"Fine, he is to wed"

" Is he to wed his long time live in lover or is it a whirl wind romance? "

" No it's Janine, 22 ,36 24 36 - she is expecting his love child "


"Friends say he had a stormy relationship with a tug of love mother whose former hubby, an office romeo, saw red after his snip op and and became a heart break, death plunge statistic "
As i have a very limited knowledge of the workings of email i am unable to reply to BB but would like to assure him his assumption is correct. Thanks.