In praise of NIB


Registered User
I know that they got a lot of bad press here when they first offered the LTV mortgage, what with delays etc. It was presumed at the time that the delays were down to the fact that they hadn't forecast the large uptake of the product.

I was one of those who stuck it out and switched to an LTV mortgage.

I rang them last week about getting a top-up on the mortgage. My call was returned promptly and with good advice as to the cheapest/best way to do it (either adding to the existing/taking out now/staged drawdown etc.)
I send them in the additional information, payslips, invoices on Monday. They rang on Tuesday to tell me they had been received. I received an email today to say that the mortgage had been processed and approved an the solicitors pack was on the way to the solicitor.

Looks like they are on top of their game again :)
Have to agree with buddyboy. I also switched to a LTV mortgage and have nothing but praise for them. I also set up an online share account which also went very smoothly.
Switched Current Account and Credit Card to them and they’ve been excellent, Int Rate of 9% on CC and no transactions costs on the current account, didn’t change my mortgage cause its fixed