In a Minor Crash

Raging Bull

Registered User
It was peak traffic. I was on a minor road leading to a major road. There was a truck reversing in fron off me out on to the road so I yielded. It had hazard lights on. Straightened up and proceeded to go straight hazards still on.

The road then had a filter. I moved into the filter lane almost passing teh truck out. The truck then moved into my lane crashing into me on right rear tyre.

My car is now a write off yet the other drivber thinks I am at fault and is contesting insurance claim.

My understanding is Hazards dont grant right of way. Its an obstacle. If he wanted to change lanes he should have indicated.

The other driver maintain he was goin to make a manoeuvre to reverse backwards after his initial reverse out. (Similar movement to design of a funnel) Even if this is true you can only reverse when safe to do so. You need to yield to other trafiic and take due care. I dont think you can reverse safely accross 3 lanes of traffic and accross a straight white line for access.

What do people think?
I had a very similar incident many years ago. Truck hit the wheel arch over my right rear wheel, insurance company conceeded the truck driver was 100% responsible.

Are you dealing with this through the truck driver or their insurance company?
If he hit the back of your car then he is at fault don't take any crap.

So much for yielding and being courteous
Indicators do not give a driver right of way to change lane either. Truck driver is 100% at fault here.
Hi all Im dealing with his insurance company. My car is a write off it was worth 1800 and the repair job is 1700.

I think he has broken at least 3 sepearte rules of the

1) Not yielding to traffic in another lane
2) Not making a safe U turn or reverse manoeuvre, can only do so if safe (fact he hits me shows its not)
3) Trying to make a reverse manoeuvre accross 3 lanes of traffic and a straight white line (albeit for access) at peak time

Strangely he thinks beacuse he has his hazards on im at fault. I checked the road traffic acts and its actually does not say much about them. You certainly dont have to yield to it. A hazard is merely is an obstacle I manoeuvred around by going into a filter lane. He struck me when I was in that lane.
If I recall correctly, Rules of the road states hazards should only be used on stationary vehicles.
I dont know to laugh or cry or get really angry

I rang his insurance company for an update. They say they are waiting on witness report.

I asked what witness. There was no witness that presented themselves to scene of accident or to the Gardai when they arrived. 6 weeks after the accident this is the first time i have heard of an accident.

This is nonsense I could get a few hundred witnesses and everyone can if that is the case.