In a bit of a pickle!

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I purchased a new car in May i think of the year gone, from a guy, and payed part cash part bank draft for the car. I collected the car, got all the manuals and keys, filled in my details on the VRC for him to post it off. Meanwhile almost 3 months later my misses whilst driving home one night took a spin and ended up writing the car off.

I went through the insurance and settled with them for a cut off what i had paid for the car. Thats fine until the other day i recieved a phone call, from the insurance company, they are trying to close the case on the car but there is still outstanding finances on the car with a well known Bank. But i never agreed to take over any finances and at the time i never even looked into the finances on the car, i did get a Garda mate to check it out and he said it was sound.

I got in contact with the bank, they wanted my details, a copy of the VRC to prove that the vehicle was transfered to me, now i dont have the VRC since i gave it to the insurance company when they wrote the car off, but they are sending me a copy of it to send to the bank. I think there is an investigation on into the finances owed by the client of the Bank.

My question is does anybody know where i stand with this, should i be worried or is it up to the bank to reclaim these finances from the previous owners since they did give them the car, i'm sure they also have an address for the person i bought the car off.
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