Improved Charging Structure from


Registered User
While reading Gerard Sheehy's blog I've noted the following comment:

Is there some catch to this? The single and regular payments condition are reasonable... Thus why doesn't e.g Quinn-Life have a similar offer (as far as I know)?
Simply ask them what the TER (Total expense Ratio) is. This will then advise you of the full charges applicable to the product. It really does not mean that if you are been told that it's not been charged it really isn't been charged, just might be under a different guise. The TER are the total charges applicable to a fund, in % terms, but they really don't want you to know this.
"A unit-linked fund that invests in leading technology and biotechnology companies. The fund invests in the shares of the NASDAQ-100 index via an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)"

1% management on a fund that simply invests in an ETF, am I reading this correctly???