Importing uncles car from UK - Revenue require a receipt?


Registered User
I'm currently in the process of importing my uncles car from the UK & intend to register the car in my own name here.

I notice on the Revenue website that they require an invoice for registration?

Will they accept if I enter into a transaction with my uncle for say €1 & draw up a sales invoice between us?

By buying the car for €1 do I circumvent any gift tax issues?

Has anyone any experience of this?

What age is the car and what value comes up on the VRT calculation website for it?
I bought a 1998 recently in UK for stg 1200 (euro 1500) against a OMSP of euro 2000 and I had a garage receipt for the 1200.
Once the car is over 10 years old there is less of an issue, the main concern is trying to import young cars dressed up as older ones
in addition you can get a gift valued at up to euro 3,000 per annum from anyone without any tax issues so I wouldn't go with a 1 quid receipt, no need.
[There may be a residency issue here: let me check]

If the uncle is able to do so get a note saying it was sold for x or even a gift.

Worst case, email the relevant revenue folk.
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Glad to help, I don't think there is a tax issue, cant find an answer re the residency of the disponer so I would just get a not from uncle as appropriate.

On the insurance side, has the car been modified in any way from the original spec?

The one I brought in was modified to run on LPG as well: caused an insurance issue, RSA would not do it.
Zurich dont do cars older than 10 years.

Just check....
It's the invoice that caught me as I didn't think I would have needed one. I'll get my uncle to sign a note as suggested.

No modifiactions to the car. Insurance is sorted.

Grand, you may find the the NCT cert is required before they issue the ins cert.
You cannot do the test before u get the Veh reg form back from Shannon
Neither can you tax it
you cant get it till you pay the VRT so it takes a while to get the NCT done..
You will get the insurance for the drive back and keep a copy of the letter from them in car and be careful where you park it without Ins or NCT discs

One final point:
The tax starts from the date of import, ie the ferry ticket if from UK to ROI, so don't bring it in at end of month.
They may only require an invoice to verify date of sale - there's a time limit for registering and vrt-ing an import.