Importing from the UK - what to check before travelling?

King Kong

Registered User
There are a lot of previous useful and helpful threads on importing cars from the UK but I'm not sure I've seen any particular advice or experience on how much or little checking can be done before taking the plunge and travelling across to the UK?

For those of you out there who have 'been there, done that' in terms of importing a 2nd hand car, could you provide your thoughts on...
  • Your top tips to on what to ask a seller if phoning a typical advertiser on autotrader. Are there any typical 'gotchas' to look out for (assuming realistically you're not going to ask 101 detailed questions on an average call)
  • If you find a car you're interested in, would you negotiate price on the phone on the basis that the car passes a HPI, inspection and is as represented by the seller?
  • Or is the experience of most people that have done this that you're just better off doing some research on the web and then travelling across to the UK for a few days and getting to see a few prospective cars in the expectation of doing business while you're there.