Importing from North or Uk



Was wondering if someone could help. I am planning to buy a Nissan Navara either north of the border or in the Uk. My question relates to vrt and vat. If I am going to be importing the vehicle back to ireland am I exempt from paying the vat, and I have heard the vrt on this vehicle is only €50. I have been trying to contact revenue all week but with little success possibly due to the work to rule situation at the moment.
Was wondering if someone could help. I am planning to buy a Nissan Navara either north of the border or in the Uk. My question relates to vrt and vat. If I am going to be importing the vehicle back to ireland am I exempt from paying the vat, and I have heard the vrt on this vehicle is only €50. I have been trying to contact revenue all week but with little success possibly due to the work to rule situation at the moment.

I highly doubt that the VRT due will be anything like €50 as it is based on a sliding percentage scale of the OMSP (Open Market Selling Price) of the vehicle in ROI.
The higher the C02 emmissions, the higher the percentage
This calculator is available on revenue's website

Sorry, can't answer VAT query
Thanks JMR.
I have looked at the vrt calculator, and yes the navara is on it, yet i have seen on other different boards that based on the vehicles length and weight its vrt is only €50. Again have spent most of this moring trying to contact the relavent authority based in Tallaght only to get an answering machine.
If it's classed as commercial then the €50 rate applies. There are previous threads here about which crew cabs fit the criteria.