Importing car into ireland... HELP



HI just wanted to know if anyone can give me some advice,,,, i know all the info regarding vrt and do not think this applys to me, as i have owned the car for approx 4 years now and have all evidence supporting this....

My problem is i have been in ireland for about 17 month now and i never got the car registered as to be honest i never thought i would be here this long, but now have permanent job and want to register the car in ireland....

Does anyone know if customs know exactly when you brought the car into the country (Some has told me they have cameras at all ports recording this ??? ) ,,,,,,and will i now get a fine if i do register as its been so long,????i have addess in uk and uk driving licence and came here for work reasons but am now staying,,,, i just dont know if its best to bring the car back to the uk and back in again and then go and register,,,, want to avoid any fines if possible,,,,, any advise would really help,,,, thanks
had a pretty similar scenario as you, and re-registered my car on wednesday this week without any problems. had the car down here 2 years with northern plates
thanks for your response,,, my worry was whether to put the correct date on the form and if i did would i get a fine for having it here over a year,,, but i am guessing from your response that there is no fine,