Importing car from Uk



My cousin in the UK is hoping to come and live and work in Ireland early next year. She wants to bring her Range Rover Discovery with her, which she's owned for a 3 years. Some questions:-
1) Will she have to get Irish plates, and if so - will it cost anything?
2) I wonder if she would have to pay the new highest motor tax rate of €2000 for highest emissions just announced?
If anyone can help with any of these points, I'd be grateful. I phoned Revenue, but they said look at their website and it seems a bit confusing?
C02 emission ratings for individual vehicles will, in addition to the normal engine cc value, be used for the calculation of motor tax in respect of any new or pre owned imported vehicle, registered in this country on or after 1 January, 2008, taxed within the ‘Private Car’ motor tax class

Cars which are registered prior to 1 January, 2008 will continue to be taxed in accordance with current arrangements and C02 ratings will not apply to these vehicles.

Looks to me that if the car is registered in Ireland after jan 08 the new system will apply.
Even if it is a preowned import.

If it is imported (registered) prior to jan 08 it would be taxed using the old system.

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In fact depending on the car in question it may be more cost effective to import some secondhand cars after jan 08.
But in your case it will for sure be 2,000 if it is registered after jan 08.

Check her rating here
Regarding the cost to import.
I think there may be some rule which applies if she owns the car prior to importing.
Customs would help you there.
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Exemptions from paying Vehicle Registration Tax

There are different reliefs and exemptions from VRT. Even if you are not required to pay VRT, you must still register your vehicle when you come to Ireland (see Rules below). The following groups are exempt from paying VRT:
  • Certain disabled drivers
  • Visitors to Ireland who have owned their vehicles abroad for more than 6 months and who will be resident here temporarily
  • People who have owned their vehicles abroad for more than 6 months and who are moving permanently to Ireland
  • People posted to Ireland as part of the diplomatic corps
NOTE: If you are moving to Ireland and are among those exempt from paying VRT you cannot sell your vehicle for more than 12 months after the vehicle is registered.
If you are required to pay VRT, then you can sell your vehicle here in Ireland when you wish, once it has been registered. Further information is available from your local vehicle registration office

Full details are on this site

How did you come to the conclusion that an car imported from Jan 08 will have VRT and Road tax calculated based on Co2 not cc? I thought this would only apply for imports after July 08

How did you come to the conclusion that an car imported from Jan 08 will have VRT and Road tax calculated based on Co2 not cc? I thought this would only apply for imports after July 08

I stand corrected westside and medium.

The confusion comes from the details for the 2007 budget which was published in dec 2006.
Which proposed that cars reg after jan 08 would come under the new system.

As it stands the vrt will change in july 08 and the road tax will remain as is subject to the new rates.

But there is a proposal to base road tax on Co2.

This debate started when someone posted the Co2 tables relating to road tax.
Which had nothing to do with this years budget.
I then checked out the details under budget 2007 when in fact I should have checked in budget 2008.
My apologies.
This debate started when someone posted the Co2 tables relating to road tax.
Which had nothing to do with this years budget.
The motor tax changes were announced after the budget (the following day) by Minister Gormley.

See this thread for details (similiar discussion on other forums such as here).

The changes in motor tax to CO2 banding will apply to new cars (or imported second hand cars newly registered in Ireland) after 1st July 2008.
So it would seem getting it registered (changing to Irish plates) won't cost anything (as she's had it for more than 6 months) and she will save about €900 if she taxes it before july 1st?
Other than that she will have to pay higher insurance than Uk, much higher motor tax (at moment it's about 300 odd in euro equivalent) BUT...petrol is cheaper by about 30c a litre, I think.
So it would seem getting it registered (changing to Irish plates) won't cost anything (as she's had it for more than 6 months) and she will save about €900 if she taxes it before july 1st?
If she has owned it for 6 months in the UK (and can prove this - utility bills to a UK address, salary paid from a UK company etc.) and doesn't sell it for 12 months after she imports it to Ireland, she is exempt from the VRT payment.

If she registers it in Ireland pre July 1st she will pay tax on the old system (based on engine size not CO2), thus saving the €900 (if the existing tax on it is €1100).
Hello all,

I made the huge leap today and put a deposit on a 07 Audi A4 in the UK. I am dealing with a maindealer as I thought this would be safest. However he obviously knows I am keen and he is refusing to give me any discount I mean none at all. He says the car is v. cheap with v. low millage etc having been sold by them new early 07 I am watching this car for the past 3wks or so over xmas trying to decide and today I decided!! He maintains the car is low risk for them (which I think should make it dearer) but anyway he said he would get a blue tooth fitted for me as part of the price for me and I would like a toe bar but I will probably have to pay extra VRT for these so I am not sure wheather to take them or not!!!

I have never spent so much money on a car before and I would like a bit of reassurance. How I should deal with these people - is he just being a hard nosed salesman on the phone??

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Well, I would ask if he can provide a warranty for Ireland. If he can't, ask for a discount.

Also, shop around a bit more. You may want to get the extras fitted over here, rather than in the UK. Check out the prices.
I recently bought an 07 passat in UK and yes it's a struggle to get any discount from main dealer. I think you need to be there in the garage to have any chance of a price reduction. In the end i got £300 off a £13k car as I was playing two nearby garages off each other. Still have a very good deal relative to buying here. I know 2 others who bought in UK and couldn't get any discount.
Thanks teachai and Mull,
With regards warranty it has its manufacturers warranty which will be looked after by audi Ireland. Its scary business!!!

Thanks again


Haggling is hard over the phone - I lost out on a car I really wanted by trying to be too smart. I thought they were bluffing by saying they had someone else but they weren't. I think your better off not telling them you are exporting it - you lose the edge by admitting that.
With regard to bluetooth and tow bar extras - I have taken 2 cars in over the last 2 years. Both had extras like leathers, dvd, sunroofs, cd changers, tow bar etc etc and I didn't pay any extra as neither car was inspected. Go to the office on a very wet day and park a good distance away - they'll never inspect it.
HAs anyone any experience of dealing with broker companies in the Uk such as these:

[broken link removed]

If its kosher, you can get a 08 Reg Mondeo (1..8 TDCi Zetec 5 dr)for under 20k euro, at todays exchange rate, and with VRT included that comes to 26,600. The same car retails at 32,900 in Ireland!
New cars (6 months and/or 6,000 miles) are subject to Irish VAT also.