Importing a Vehicle to the UK


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Hi All,

Does anyone know what the situation is regarding import tax when importing a vehicle to the UK from Ireland?

I know that when importing a vehicle from the UK to Ireland involves the payment of VRT and that the site has a VRT calculator that can be used to get an estimate of the cost, but is it the same in the UK.

I've had a look at a number of UK sites like:
But I couldn't find anything that mentions the tax payment, it just mentions that the car must be registered and taxed in the UK immediately.

The reason for the question is that I am working in the UK at the moment and will be for at least a year and I'm keen to learn to ride a motorbike while here and I'm considering buying a used Irish bike and bringing it over here.

I'd have to register it in the UK because I would like to get English insurance as it is much cheaper and easy to get than at home (so I'm told) and as far as I'm aware english insurers will only insure UK registered vehicles.

Also If I did keep it here for a year, would there be any implications or cost in bringing back to Ireland next year. I have been told by a few people that if you own the vehicle for 13 months in another country that you can import it to Ireland without paying VRT. Is that correct?

Many thanks,
The reason for the question is that I am working in the UK at the moment and will be for at least a year and I'm keen to learn to ride a motorbike while here and I'm considering buying a used Irish bike and bringing it over here.

Our friends on or (motorbike forum) will tell you that you'll get a far better choice of bikes at better prices in UK then you will here.

Quite a few Irish bikers (and Irish bike shops) source their second-hand bikes in the UK, some have declared they'd never buy an original Irish-Reg bike again.

Suggest you have a look around your local UK area before deciding to bring one in from here (unless you already own one here of course!).
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Thanks for that Gipiman.

I had seen a few Irish bikes that I liked and some mates of mine in Ireland had recommended them to me but if it makes more sense then I will look for a bike in the UK.

Thanks again.