Imported US car in garage for 3yrs - not registered - how big a problem is this?



I sent home a Ford T-Bird 95 from the states ,I actually drove it over there for a couple a years .I'am very attached to it , we covered some ground together .Man and machine ,what can I say .When it landed it was garaged and I went working in UK .Now 3yrs on I'm back and want to register it .Yeah I know now that as soon as it arrived it should have been registering before the end of the next working day and all. You see my problem .Will these guys at VRO hassel me,as they state on the VRT site they got the power to fine and worse. .I need your help guys .
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is this.

relax cowboy I dont know much about imports but how would vro know when the car arrived and if they do know why did they not contact you already, A friend of mine imported his car from england 8 months ago and it is still on english plates.
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is th

you can only import the car when it's in a road worthy condition... tell them you're spen the last 3 years with its engine and gearbox on the garage floor and you're only now ready to drive it. No problems at all.
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is this.

In my experience, the requirement to register the next working day is one of the few things they don't check. I wouldn't worry too much.
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is th

it does have a stamp on the title from newark port .Export stamp and that has the date on it . I do like the "being repairing it for 3 yrs " story if they swallow it.I guess I won't really know 'till I go to the VRO. But you can't blame me for wanting to do me homework before seeing these guys .
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is this.

What about getting a garda to sign a statement saying it has been off the road for 3 the the way they sign the statement when the car has been off the road for taxation purposes. I would advise you to ring the VRT section of revenue and ask the hypotethical question of what 'your friend' ought to do were he to have imported a car 3 years ago but had it in the garage since owing to repairs to gearbox, engine etc.
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is th

if u owned it in the states for a couple of years do u actually have to pay VRT then? if for example u own a car in england for longer than six months and then import it you don't have to pay vrt... i reckon all you have to do is re register it and get irish plates
Are there any VAT implications of bringing a vehicle from the US ??
I know that other forms of transport e.g. planes & helicopters must have VAT clearance documents. Worth checking out !!!
Re: i have US imported car in garage for 3yrs .Not registered.How big a problem is th

if u owned it in the states for a couple of years do u actually have to pay VRT then? if for example u own a car in england for longer than six months and then import it you don't have to pay vrt... i reckon all you have to do is re register it and get irish plates

IS there not something though about this having to be done within 6 months of arriving in Ireland, and in order to claim the exemption you have to prove you moved within the past 6 months, such as showing payslips etc from former country of residence?
Are there any VAT implications of bringing a vehicle from the US ??
I know that other forms of transport e.g. planes & helicopters must have VAT clearance documents. Worth checking out !!!

Yes, you'll have to pay VAT on any import from a non-EU country.
I remember ringing them up at the VRO once , a long time back about a different matter and the guy was as much addition as a one legged man in an a*$e kicking competition .Kept refering me to the website , but I will ring again and pose the question (without giving away to much ).
Keep replying, I'll have her on the road soon ,just this last hurdle......... then tax, insurance and soaring petrol prices . (4.6 litre V8 engine )It'll be worth it . thanks for taking the time to reply .
Well The Story is on the T-Bird that as I didn't declare it to them within 12 months I pay 1200 euros and that's that . Where do I find It .........nobody said it was going to be easy. Thanks For All your help Guys .
So if you had have declared it at the time you would not have to pay anything? In the words of Homer "DOH!!"