Impact on guarantor


Registered User
I have 4 properties of which my mother has acted as a guarantor up to €100k on one of them.

I then took out a further re-mortgage that was securitised on combined equity on all 4 properties.
It looks like these may soon be repossessed.

My question is : although a re-mortgage was taken out (partially based on the equity of the one which my mother is a guarantor) does the guarantor only apply to the initial mortgage ?
I.e. If I can somehow ensure there is no shortfall on the specific mortgage which my mother is a guarantor, is she in the clear?

Or could she somehow implicitly have an obligation to the re-mortgage also given it was partially securitised against the property which she acted as a guarantor on originally?
She didn't guarantee a property, she guaranteed a loan.

She didn't guarantee all your loans, she guaranteed one particular loan.

If that loan is paid off, she will have no liability.

Obviously, you will need to check the wording of the loan guarantee carefully.

But get your solicitor's advice on it as well.
