impact on building extension?



I have a query which some of you may be able to help me with…..

My husband and I own a small 2 bed-room terraced house in a development and would like to add a small single story extension (circa 15 square metres) to the rear of the house. Although we have not discussed this with our neighbours yet, we are worried that the extension may shadow their gardens and block some sunlight at certain times of the day. From the research I have done and as far as I know we do not need planning permission as the property is freehold and the proposed extension is < 40 square metres. However we are not sure whether the neighbours would still have grounds to complain and perhaps stop us building this extension. I would appreciate any advice/ opinions which you may have.
There are other criteria as well to be exempt from Planning.
The size of the remaining garden and the proximity to your neighbour etc.
The reason for this is that the neighbour would be unable to object if you are exempt.
we are meeting the criteria on size of garden >25 square metres however i am not aware of any criteria in relation to neighbours for a single story extension (with the exception of > 1 metre distance with windows when facng a boundary)... could you please elaborate or point me in the correct direction as i thought i had researched all avenues?

many thanks
Basically you are correct. Back of house, existing rool level not exceeded, Less than 40 sq m, back garden not then less than 25 sq m, no windows facing neighbour and you are exempt.

When you are exempt you are exempt.(full stop) There is very little if anything the neighbour can do except fall out with you and steal your bin tags.

If when you tell them they kick up a fuss just apply for permission for the extension or I think there is a provision that you can apply to the council for a certificate that it is exempt.
Yes, you seem to have covered everything there.

The Certificate for exempt development can be sought before you go ahead with the development - it is called a

"Declaration of Exempt Development under Section 5 of the Planning & Development Act 2000"
I have a query which some of you may be able to help me with…..

we are worried that the extension may shadow their gardens and block some sunlight at certain times of the day.

I spoke with Dublin City Council last week on this matter and I was told "the whole thing about taking someone's light (or shadowing) doesn't apply anymore". I was surprised to hear that......
