Impact of not signing on for JB ?


Registered User
I am on compulsory redundancy notice with 4 weeks to go. After 10 years, my redundancy package means is quite good. With no dependants and minimal outgoings, I am one of the lucky ones with no complaints.
I am considering holding off on applying for Job seekers. But I am so out of touch with all of this that I don't quite understand the impact of not continuing my contributions this year? Where would I get caught out along the line ?
You are entitled to claim JB if you are avialable for and looking for work. You get a 'credited' contribution for every week you claim JB. The impact of not signing is that you would not get this 'credit' and future entitlemetns to all SW benefits, including State Pensions, may be affected.
Thanks Welfarite.
Will the impact of a break in 2009 effect me in 2011 ? Does it help that I will have worked 27 weeks in 2009 ? - and then maybe claim JB later in '09 ?
If you claim in 2011, you'll need at least 39 weeks paid and/or credited. So to claim in 2011, you'd need the 27 paid in 2009 plus at least 12 weeks of JB/other SW credits.
If you claim in 2011, you'll need at least 39 weeks paid and/or credited. So to claim in 2011, you'd need the 27 paid in 2009 plus at least 12 weeks of JB/other SW credits.
All this is of course, dependent on the government not changing the qualifying rules before 2011!