IMPACT balloting members

Impact have members who are engineers, pilots, air traffic controllers, software engineers, computer experts etc. etc. - infact just about every technical and professional job you can think of. Are you seriously suggesting these people are "Commies"!

Are you seriously suggesting that the leadership of the trade union movement in Ireland are not Communists? Just look at the eulogy that Jack O'Connor gave to a fellow Comrade and ex CPI leader, at his death in 2006:
[broken link removed]

Dude its very hard to take your posts seriously when you come out with this sort of silliness, which is frankly starting to verge on the hysterical

Not as hard as it is to take someone seriously who refers to another person as "Dude"

Its a word I haven't heard since the 70s. Aah, the Seventies !!! A glorious time when all of Europe were brought to their knees by wildcat strikes in the West and Communist oppression in the East.

How cool would the Commie dudes leading SIPTU and IMPACT think that would be?

Power to the people Comrade!

You're getting ridiculous now! I was talking about Impact not SIPTU. If nothing else you're posts are good for a laugh

Dude PS: Don't forget to check for Reds under the bed before you go to sleep
A pathetic response.

To describe the concerns of the private sector worker as "good for a laugh" is disgusting.

So much for workers' solidarity. Long live IMPACT, and the cushioned life of the public sector worker !
To describe the concerns of the private sector worker as "good for a laugh" is disgusting.

Dude please stop misquoting me.
If you read what I said you'll find that I was speaking in the singular not the plural!
Are you seriously suggesting that the leadership of the trade union movement in Ireland are not Communists? Just look at the eulogy that Jack O'Connor gave to a fellow Comrade and ex CPI leader, at his death in 2006:

My problem with Jack O'Connor isn't that he's a communist (and he is in all but name), it's that he's a fool, working way beyond his ability.
You're getting ridiculous now! I was talking about Impact not SIPTU.

SIPTU have the lion’s share of the block vote in the ICTU so they run the show there. They are to ICTU what the institutional investors are to the banks.
The leadership of IMPACT has shown itself to be just as greedy and self serving as any other union.
You're getting ridiculous now! I was talking about Impact not SIPTU. If nothing else you're posts are good for a laugh

Dude PS: Don't forget to check for Reds under the bed before you go to sleep

Why are you bringing Cork people into this, Bogle?

You make us sound like a bunch of perverts!
A communist on 120k a year.....? Ive made this point several times before. The fat cats of the boom like politicians,bankers and developers, you'd have to throw in the unions leaders there too.
I've no problem with people being well paid (or being rich). It's hypocrisy and incompetence from supposed leaders I have a problem with.
A communist on 120k a year.....? Ive made this point several times before. The fat cats of the boom like politicians,bankers and developers, you'd have to throw in the unions leaders there too.
Wait 'til we see - 120,000 euro a year , that would have got you on 1/25th of a Brian Goggin - probably less if you threw in stock options !
So now it's a communist plot !
That must be up there with your previous assertions that there are jobs out there for everyone ( as long as you are prepared to get on your bike ) and as such the JSA should be cut to 70 or 90 euros a week and then be terminated after a year and the minimum wage should be dercreased by 50% .
Lets have a bit of realism please.
We're spending 50% more than we take in... how's that for realism?
I've no problem with people being well paid (or being rich). It's hypocrisy and incompetence from supposed leaders I have a problem with.

Agree 100%. These socialists leaders go on about fat cats and accountabilty at board level of banks and consequences these people should face. Jack O'Connors attempt of a defensive of McLoone on today FM was pathetic. What do SIPTU members think of that, or is it "protect your own" regardless.

I have no problem with someone on €1M a year, but socialist union hardliners on 6 figure salaries. Its like the king of vegetitarians sitting down to lamb chops.
The archaic working practices, pay increment scales, travel days, gold plated pensions etc, must all be cut with a minimum of 20% pay cuts across the board.


Still wondering how you came up with 20% across the board and what analysis you used.
We're spending 50% more than we take in... how's that for realism?
So you agree with Beanpole's assertions that the JSA should be reduced to at most euro 90 a week and such allowance should then be terminated after a year , equally do you agree that the minimum wage be reduced by 50% ?
Do you realistically think the Goverment will proceed along those lines and if so do you think the people/unions will accept them ?
A realistic answer please.

I think we need to balance the books. That should involve tax increases and spending cuts. Tax increases should seek to minimise the disincentive to work that high marginal tax rates produce. I am in favour of a reduction in public sector pay of between 10-15% and a reduction in public sector numbers of around the same amount.
I think reducing teachers pay is better than removing classroom assistants (that’s just an example) so where budgets can be met through pay reductions then a more structured approach to head-count reduction can be taken.
On the tax front I am in favour of taxing children’s allowance and introducing property tax (I have 4 children and a big mortgage that I paid loads of stamp duty on so I’m one of the ones who will be hit hardest). I am in favour of vastly reducing the threshold for paying income tax both the lower and higher rate (people should pay income tax on everything over €5000 a year). I would not increase tax rates.
On the welfare front I think that those living with their parents should get €50-€70 a week. People paying a mortgage etc and with other overheads should get more. Generally welfare payments are too high, so is the minimum wage. Both should be reduced at the same time; something in the order of 20%.

On the medical card front I would charge for each GP visit, maybe €5 and for each home visit I would charge €15. When people get something for free they are far more likely to abuse it (and they do abuse it). I would pay consultants less and increase their working week. I would ban strikes in the public sector or in sectors that provide critical or essential services.

I would increase the length of the school year by at least 6 weeks. That way teachers and children would have more time to cover a curriculum that seems to get longer every year and parents would incur less expense organising childcare for their children during the long summer holidays.
So in essense you agree that Beanpole's suggestions are way over the top !
At least your suggestions form the basis for reasonable argument with the exception of course of banning strikes in the public sector and in essential service areas - pure pipe dream !

Right, it's your turn; what do you propose?


I'd also get rid of junior ministers, half the existing number of TDs and likewise with the quangos.