Immigration to Argentina


Registered User
Hi Guys,
Mr Bear and I offen talk of immigrating out of Ireland - would it be a mad idea to move to Buenas Aires - my brother has just returned and is wowed by the city.
Now dont worry this is somthing I would reasearch and visit before actually doing it - where would I get information on Argentina regardign decent jobs.

Many thanks,
Agree Buenas Aires is a lovely city.
Can you speak Spanish? This would be pretty much essential.
I am not sure how good the economy is there currently: when I was there briefly in 2002/03 the economy was in a disaster state.
These figures are a little out of date (2006), but may be worth looking at:
Inflation (CPI) 9.8% (2006)
Population below poverty line 26.9% (July-December 2006)
Here is a [broken link removed] with some Argentinian jobs.
This link gives info on how to find a job in Argentina. It looks helpful. It does say however that finding a job as a foreigner can be difficult.
Cheers NicolaM, - makes for interesting reading... Mayby I should just confine the move to a dream:)