Immigration Query


Registered User
Can anybody give me any information on the application procedure and rights for a sibling and parent of an Irish citizen to come and reside in Ireland indefinitely.
The Irish citizen in question was originally a refugee and became an Irish citizen in 2005 and is seeking his brother and father (non-EEA nationals) to come and reside here.
Can anybody tell me what their rights are and the process they need to go through to make application for permanent residency.

I've searched extensively on various websites but the info seems to contradict one another. Anything in a nutshell would be great.

Cheers guys.
Short answer, they have no such rights. However they can always chance their arm with an application to the Department of Justice.

Long answer. The only categories of people who have a right to bring relatives to live with them are:
1 - Persons with refugee status, under international law
2 - EU citizens, under freedom of movement laws
3 - Some migrant workers, under domestic legislation

If any of the above become Irish citizens they lose those rights. Insane but true. Not sure it would have helped in your friend's case anyway because as a rule it's only spouses and minor children that can be brought in.