Imagine WiMax 10Mb


Registered User

I am considering this offer from Imagine. I have read various posts regarding Imagine throttling torrent speeds and their service in general. I rang them on it and they confirmed that they do not throttle torrents.

Can anyone that has the Imagine service currently confirm or deny if this is true?

Also any feedback on Imagine speeds, service etc. appreciated.

They may technically not throttle torrents. However, they have a fair usage policy - and from what I can see from their website, they offer an allowance of 15GB/month (if you use torrents regularly, you will be breaking that threshold).
They may technically not throttle torrents. However, they have a fair usage policy - and from what I can see from their website, they offer an allowance of 15GB/month (if you use torrents regularly, you will be breaking that threshold).

I just checked the FUP on the Imagine site, no mention of 15GB limit. I am on a package with an "Unlimited" web usage.

"Fair Use Policy – Broadband
A fair use policy applies to all WiMax Broadband Packages. The WiMax Broadband Service is a shared service and imagine reserves the right to manage the Network to ensure that all users get fair access to the Network. If users make excessive use of their WiMax Broadband Service their service may be restricted or they may be asked to subscribe to an alternative WiMax Broadband Package(s) more suitable to their usage. imagine at it’s sole discretion will define from time to time what constitutes excessive use of the WiMax Service(s) Once Customers exceed this level they will have the option to upgrade their WiMax Broadband Package(s) or their service speed may be restricted by imagine. In the event of the Customer refusing or neglecting to select an alternative WiMax Broadband Package(s), imagine may, upon due notice, terminate the provision of the WiMax Broadband Service to the Customer."
That's where my misunderstanding was. I am discussing the fixed wireless option with Imagine not the Mobile dongle offering. Unlimited (assuming Fair Usage) downloads on their Wimax Fixed Wireless offerings.