I'm getting married in six weeks so I was thinking of getting a makeover.


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I'm not good with foundation and I'm getting married in six weeks so I was thinking of getting a makeover. I was told the armani counter in BTs is good but I spoke to a girl there and she was caked by my standards so I'm wondering what she'd do to me. Any ideas on what to do?
Re: make up help

Wherever you decide to go make sure that you do a practice run first so then if they cake you at least it won't ruin your wedding day. Blow ( http://www.blow.ie ) charge €35 for a makeup application and have a number of branches in town and one in Dun Laoghaire. They will make you caked as you request. I dunno about BT but would presume they'd be open to doing what you ask too.
Re: make up help

I was going for the BT option cause as far as I know, you pay €20 which is then redeemable against any purchase.
Re: make up help

Have you considered getting a make-up artist to come to your house on the morning of the wedding & apply your make up? I never wear make-up so doing it myself wasn't an option. I got a fantastic girl to come to the house on the morning of the wedding who did everyones hair & make-up. It looked really well, very natural and it looks great in the photos.
Re: make up help


Ive had my makeup done by a few people in BT's, like that you pay €25 and it is redeemable against any purchase so you could theoretically try a few out beofre the big day. Ive used Benefit, Estee Lauder and Mac in BT's and Smashbox in Arnotts.

I was lucky with Estee Lauder becuase they had a specialist make up artist over at the time so the end result was fantastic. Smashbox were also excellent because they said to bring in a picture of a celeb whos makeup i liked and they would give me that look. They also made over my sister for a TV appearance and I have to say she looked amazing!

So try a couple out and see how you go....good luck!!
Re: make up help

thanks folks. Don't fancy a make up artist on the day, even if it were a cheap option I don't think I'd enjoy it, think it might make me more nervous. Course it could be relaxing knowing someone else was taking care of it. What does that service cost generally?
Re: make up help

Hi Moneygrower

I paid €50 per face and €50 for hair....I had a trial with her a few weeks before hand and she put me totally at ease..I didn't want to end up not looking like me..if you know what I mean.

We were locked away in one of the bedrooms and had a right ould laugh with her, chatting away about anything and everything. By the time she finished it was time to get dressed so I didn't have time to be nervous. I was very calm anyway but my bridesmaid was a nervous wreck about walking up the aisle...poor pet was in a spin for a few weeks before hand. I think she was afraid she'd trip or get the giggles. She managed to calm her down for me and by the time she was finished my Bridesmaid was all excited about the day.

I had considered going into BT and having a make over at one of the counters but taking into consideration the cost of buying all the make-up and the time involved in trying to perfect it, getting a professional was the cheaper and hassle free option for me. PM me if you want her details
Make up Forever on Clarendon Street do great make up lessons and the make up is great.
What is Clubman's recomendations?

There has to be at least one subject he cannot answer