i'm being told i won't be entitled to jobseekers



hi i was wondering if anyone came across this - i had my interview for jobseekers last week and the lady interviewing me told me i wont be entitled to anything due to my boyfriends earnings. I was actually told there would be no point persuing my claim or even appealling it.
he earns €800 per week before deductions and his take home is about €650, this sounds great but he has recently taken €100 per week wage decrease and then minus my old salary of 40k. Do they take your mortgage and bills into account. we have high mortgage repayments of €1,200 per month so when this and just his loan repayments and electricity, his car insurance and tax etc are taken into consideration he has the grand total of €43 left per week to do our weekly shopping with. i just cannot believe i cant be entitled to anything as i was employing a staff of up to 14 for the last few years some of which would have been living at home working 2-3 days a week and claiming for the remainder and getting about a hundred a week from the social welfare. It just seems very unfair
Same is happening my partner and I.......I am deemed as earning 480 euro a week (I earn 431 euro afer deductions including my partners car loan is taken out). We have been refused JA as well - the threshold for jobseekers allowance (according to my letter) is 365 euro a week.
I am tryin to pay a mortgage of 1950 a month as well as paying to bring up my child from a previous relationship..........its not easy.
Its so disheartening that we are being treated like this..........I can't even claim his tax credits to take the sting out..........so we are viewed as 'technically married' for social welfare purposes but not even close by revenue.....great system we have here
Ditto here. I work 10 hours per week (sat & sun) since May 2008 - prior to that I was on 40 hours per week. Therefore I was able to claim JA for the days I didn't work.

That was reviewed in April, and I now have a letter from SW saying that I no longer qualify, as my working week is considered to be 2 days per week and not 5 - not for the want of trying to get other work in the meantime.

So now I have to live on €420 per month salary, plus €360 from lodger. I'm finding it impossible to pay bills and am in horrendous debt.

Letter says I can appeal the decision, but I assume there is probably no point.
yeah i was told there would be no point to even appeal as i would be wasting both of our time