Illnesses benefit ending question.


Registered User
Hi all and first of all thank you very helpful community.

My wife illness benfit is about expire (2years) and she was reviewed by social welfare as not been meeting invailty pension. ( At the time doctors hopeed she be able to return in reduced capacity in 9 months time)

So currently get sick prsi credits to keep her record upto date. When illness benfit expires she still be sick and still have to sent in certs to social welfare each month to keep getting sick prsi credits?

Currently social welfare text her every month saying cert is due will this keep happening or she have remind herself to get doctor to do this?

For invailty pension you have to be sick for more then a year and unlikely to be better in next 12 months. If in few months time she still sick and not been getting illness benfit (expired ). But gettjng illness credits,Can she still apply for invailty pension or does need to requalify for illness benfit first again?
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My understanding (anecdotally)is that most disability pension applicants get declined on first application.. appeal the decision and if necessary appeal again.