Illness Benefit exemptions were discontinued from Feb 2012. Anyone who has an exemption will keep it until its review date.
Persons who wish to take up part-time work and keep some of their Illness Benefit must apply for Partial Capacity Benefit.
Here is the information on Illness Benefit and FÁS courses from the Operational Guidelines on Illness Benefit:
FÁS Training Course
Applications may be made by the individual or by FÁS, and all applicants must:
a) make an application on the official Form IB141
This form asks the customer to give details of the proposed training course, the activities involved, how illness affected previous employment, how proposed training will improve the customer's condition and enable them to resume usual type of work or begin new work, etc.
b) furnish a report from their GP on the official Form IB141A
This form asks the doctor to furnish a confidential medical report on the customer's medical condition, treatment, additional information and to indicate the degree to which the customer's condition has affected their functional capacity.
c) submit the FÁS application form (with details of the course as listed below) and signed by both FÁS and the customer.
FÁS Specialist Training Provision:
There is no requirement to complete Forms IB141 and IB141A where the FÁS application is for specialist training for persons with disabilities. Such applications are normally processed without reference to a medical assessor.
Opinion of Medical Assessor
The completed form is forwarded with the claim papers to one of the Department's Medical Assessors for an opinion whether the proposed training is in the nature of rehabilitation or occupational therapy. In expressing an opinion the Medical Assessor will weigh up all of the evidence, including medical evidence held on file in the Department about the customer's health, the information furnished about the training by the customer, and the medical evidence from the doctor/consultant submitted on their behalf.
If the Medical Assessor considers that further information is needed about the proposed training before coming to a conclusion in a case, they will ask the Illness Benefit Section to contact the customer for it. The Medical Assessor may also ask the Section to invite the customer to submit more detailed medical evidence.