Illness Benefit (longterm)


Registered User
Hi, My husband has been on illness benefit for about 10 years after an accident at work. This was before they changed it to a max of 2 years. Does anyone know if (he is 54 now) he is still on it when he retires, would he get a contributory or non contributory pension?
For a contributory pension it depends on his PRSI contribution/credit record. He can easily get this via myWelfare.
Then he can check what he might get based on his PRSI contributions/credits.
The non-contributory pension is means tested.
Or just ask SW. They're generally very helpful in my experience.
If he's likely to remain unable to work because of his illness (or injury) until retirement age, then you should consider investigating how to have him switched to an invalidity pension which would automatically see him moving onto the Contributory Pension at age 67.