If Illness Benefit is paid close to and after retirement age (65),it may continue to be paid up to 66 or if Social Welfare's Medical Referee calls Him/Her for an examination to assess the continuance of the Benefit.If it's Illness Benefit that is being paid, then all the criteria to satisfy the payment will be in place.What has to be noted is as follows 1)Is the payment being remitted to the employer under a Company Illness Sick scheme direct from Social Welfare.? If this is the case you will need to inform Social Welfare and,or contact your Employer's Payroll Dept. to find out what is the procedure is to have the payment re-directed to Him/Her.2) If the payment is paid directly to the recipient,then this does not arise,whether or not there is a Company Sickness Scheme in place.3) It has to be remembered that Illness Benefit is a Taxable event, so if the payment is remitted directly to His/Her Company,then all the correct deductions will be in order. 4) At retirement time,65th Birthday, income from Employment ceases,so if there is an occupational Pension paid post this,there will probably be a continuation of the payment of the Illness Benefit,if you were receiving the Illness payment directly there may not be a problem. It is most likely that Social Welfare know when you Turn 65, and if you are in receipt of Illness Benefit at that stage,then they could check it out with you to see that all is in order, and your entitlement to continued payment is in order.
It should be noted that post employment,and He/She is in receipt of Occupational Pension, the company operating the Pension will most likely not process Illness benefit payments in the same manner as the employer. However they will need to have the Tax Credit/SRCOP Cert. adjusted to take account of Illness benefit payments in order to have correct Tax deducted.The Illness Benefits will go directly to recipient.