Illness benefit and jobseekers


New Member

I have been on illness benefit for 9 months with arthritis. I had to leave my job this month too cause i couldn't work and they needed someone to do the job.
I am hoping I'll be well enough to get a new job by November. If I go on job seekers (i understand i can get this for 9 months) and if I don't get a job after a few months and get if I get ill again before I get work, can I go back on illness benefit?

I thought you stayed on IB until your fit to return to work or start job hunting? As to get jobseekers you need available and looking for work. Which you not if you still sick. Call in and have chat in citizens advice bureau their very helpful
I have been on illness benefit for 9 months with arthritis. I had to leave my job this month too cause i couldn't work and they needed someone to do the job.
This is a bit confusing. How were you on IB and also working up to this month?

Is your question related to you having used up your entitlement to IB and looking for an alternative scheme to apply for or something?

In my experience DSP/SW staff are very helpful in steering applicants to any payments to which they are entitled.
Just further detail, thank you for the replies. I had a job, I went on sick leave, I was entitled to illness benefit. I have claimed it for 9 months.
I had to leave my job as they were unable to manage with me on sick leave.
I want to work so I want to get another job. My specialist thinks I'll be ready by November.
If I start applying for jobs I need to stop illness benefit. If I go on job seekers and can't get a job and if I have a relapse of my arthritis can I go back on illness benefit?

But If you've been on Illness Benefit for 9 months and want to go back to work, here's what you need to know:

You can't work while on Illness Benefit, so you'll need to stop it if you want to look for jobs.

Once you stop Illness Benefit, you can apply for Jobseeker's Allowance, which is for people looking for work.

If your health gets worse again and you can't work, you can apply for Illness Benefit again. But you'll need to meet the requirements:

Be younger than pension age
Get a doctor's note saying you can't work
Have enough work history (usually at least 2 years of paying into the system)

But note , If you've been on Illness Benefit for a long time before (1-2 years), you might need to have worked and paid into the system for at least 13 weeks since then to qualify again.