Illness Benefit - advice re any other entitlements?



Hi, I have been on illness benefit for 4 years for a long term illness. I am separated from my husband and have 2 kids. Were separated about 2yrs. I receive e246 or there abouts per week, I don't not claim rent allowance as I live with family. Is there anything else I might be able to claim, maybe family income supplement? It's just the kids are needing things and I try to keep a car on the road. Any advice and help is appreciated
You must be working a minimum of 19 hrs per week to apply for Family Income Supplement.

If you have a long term illness, you could apply for Invalidity Pension which would be paid instead of Illness Benefit. Entitlement is based on both medical criteria and PRSI contributions. If you qualify for that pension, the rate of payment is slightly higher than Illness Benefit.

Do you have a medical card? If not, you should apply at

Have you applied for the Back to School Clothing & Footwear Allowance? You can get more information here: