Illegal parking?


Registered User
Hi guys, i live in a small quite estate were generally the residents respect each other. over the last number of months one resident has started to park old cars(4) and speed boats(2) around the estate.this makes it difficult for bin lorries etc.. to access certain areas. also one of the propellers on a boat is at a height of a childs head and it is only a matter of time before a child gets injuried.the owner of all these cars and boats is a retiried guard and none of the residents want to "cross" him.can the council despose of these cars as they dont seem to have any tax or insurance?how do we handle this situation ?
Re: Illeagal parking?

....can the council despose of these cars as they dont seem to have any tax or insurance?...
.... how do we handle this situation ?
Phone the council offices and tell them the cars are not taxed or insured and appear to be abandoned. If that fails call the Revenue and tell them it seems someone has started an unregistered business selling boats and cars from the side of the road.

I bet a pound to a penny the boats are not insured either and anyone being injured by them or having their vehicle damaged will have difficulty seeking compensation. Point out to the council that if they fail to take action, you will be holding them responsible for the consequences (it won't work but tell them anyway).

Has your local council taken the estate in charge? Is there a residents' committee / management committee?
Re: Illeagal parking?

just because he is a retired cop he can break the law? he would not do it where i live, just shows how they abuse the fact that people appear to fear the cops.
Re: Illeagal parking?

I agree. The idea that you and others feel that he is above the law, or can cause trouble for you, if you insist that the law is upheld, because he is a retired Garda makes me really angry.

Do the right thing for your community and contact your local authority about this nuisance.
Re: Illeagal parking?

The idea that you and others feel that he is above the law, or can cause trouble for you, if you insist that the law is upheld, because he is a retired Garda makes me really angry. .
me too, he would not do it where i live. i would copy the letter to the local superintendent and he would not cause trouble for me or I would cause plenty for him

rather than 'cross' him - why not speak to him ? he may think there is no issue here because nobody has spoken to him. most guards i know are also people with similar lives to everyone else and what bothers some may not bother others etc....
rather than 'cross' him - why not speak to him ? he may think there is no issue here because nobody has spoken to him. most guards i know are also people with similar lives to everyone else and what bothers some may not bother others etc....
good idea too. i would be more concerned re the boat propeller than the cars actually
Re: Illeagal parking?

First of all i didnt think boats needed insurance if they are just parked in an estate???correct me if im wrong . im not sure if the estate is handed over yet to the council but if it is not could it be used as an excuse for not dealing with the issue? in responce to the remarks"so what if he was a guard"etc.... people still have a healthy respect for the contacts he has and rightly so. He is not a very approachable guy at the best of times so the attitude most of the residents have is that its a long road that has no turns . After all im sure he still has plenty of friends in the force
Re: Illeagal parking?

he sounds like a bully and you infer he would use his contacts to get at you. i would not not allow that. that is what breeds corruption in cops. i cannot believe such an attitude exists today. I had a run in with a cop once who tried to bully me. When i stood up for myself he said "you shouldn't give out to us [cops] you might need us sometime" and i told him if i needed them i would call them and if they did not respond i would complain them to hq. That was years ago and i have had no trouble, no being stopped for tax excessively or bully boy games
I don't think the problem is the person himself, rather more that the other residents don't want to "cross" him or approach him. Nothing has been said that the person thinks they are above the law in any way shape or form. It is another one of these cases, they want the cars/boats gone, but want "someone else" to deal with it. If there is a residents association, why not approach it that way.

In the interests of fairness, I would approach the person first before I reported him. That might cause more friction. If the stuff is bothering you personally, deal with it, if not, let others worry about it.