ill health retirement teacher -3 different schemes


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My wife aged 53 has been granted ill health retirement as a teacher. Her service record is as follows
Single Scheme 4.5 Years
New Entrant Scheme 5 years-Preserved Benefits-retirement age 65
Original Scheme 8 Years-Preserved Benefits-retirement age 60

The Department of Education are currently calculating her pension/lump sum.
As it stands the ill health retirement benefits are being calculated on the Single Scheme with presumably added years.
My wife has asked that the preserved benefits also be paid now without actuarial reduction and the Department are considering this.
It is difficult to get any solid information on this complicated situation of retiring on health grounds while being a member of 3 different schemes.
Has anyone encountered a similar situation where the preserved benefits were paid "early" without reduction?
I should add that my wife is also exploring the possibility of a last minute AVC.
Has anyone encountered a similar situation where the preserved benefits were paid "early" without reduction?

Sorry to hear about your wife's health.

I have not encountered this situation. However, there a circular from 1982 ( suggesting that a preserved pension may be paid out in the event of a retired officer's health deteriorating. See Paras 3 & 4:

The following benefits are payable:
(a) If the officer survives to age 60, a pension and lump-sum calculated in accordance with paragraph 4 below.

(b) If, before attaining age 60, the officer's state of health deteriorates to such extent that the Minister for the Public Service is satisfied that the immediate payment of the preserved benefits is justified, a pension and lump sum calculated in accordance with paragraph 4 below."

The benefits relate to the pre-1995 modified PRSI scheme but the principle is the same.

Also, there is provision for unusual or sensitive cases to be addressed on a case by case basis. The employing agency can refer such to the Dept of Public Expenditure and Reform.

EDIT: I am not aware of any provision for the Preserved Benefit to be actuarially reduced. Usually it cannot be accessed until normal retirement age. It would seem that the only issue is whether it can be paid out early in the event of ill-health. The above circular suggests that it can.
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Many thanks Early Riser. I was not aware of the 1982 circular. That seems to give the Department scope to pay the preserved pension.
I will update the thread when calculations are received from the Department of Education.
The Department of Education has finally come back with the ill health pension calculations. The preserved benefits under the earlier schemes are being paid in full along with entitlements under the Single Scheme. I hope this information may be of use to future retirees in a similar position. As Frankie Byrne used to say "it may not be your problem today but it could be someday"