ignition test by hibernian for a provisional driver


Registered User
hi, I am going doing a ignition test with hibernian insurance to reduce the cost of my insurance. I am a provisional driver waiting to do my test.It will reduce the cost of my insurance by a few hundred euro. Has anyone else done it ? what is involved ? any views on it
Have posted a response in that thread. However, note that that thread doesn't specifically refer to the provisional licence Ignition test. We were all qualified drivers. I'm assuming the same points apply, but that they will make some allowance for your inexperience. (I'm assuming that you are inexperienced here and not someone who's had their provisional for a long while!)
I am on a second provisonial and will be doing the test this year so I wondered if anyone had done the provisional version of this test. It is not as full as the qualified drivers one. I have to drive for 45 mins and then there is a fifteen mins of theory I think but not sure about that