If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc?


I can understand why Veritas ads are banned for being religious. What I cant understand is why ads for psychics, horoscopes and other alternative "new age" hocus pocus (quack cures, "faith healing", etc) are allowed.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

Political correctness. You can't say anything that makes it look as if ireland is a country with a white christian type of heritage. It would offend the new Irish and maybe the travellers, it's just not on.
Personally I'm thinking of dressing in arab clothes and holding a book burning ceremony in Abbey Street, just to prove that I'm not oppressed.
Happy ******mas!
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

They ban mention of Christmas and crib by a private group willing to pay for it but yet they let the very Roman Catholic Angelus be broadcast courtesy of the taxpayer. Explain that to me.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

I dunno, its not so bad.

I got approval from Fás to travel 1st class to Haiti for a feasibility study on my new voodoo business and meetings with Baron Samedi about a joint trade agreement.

Representatives from the HSE are due to travel with us (me and my fifteen Fás advisors) to investigate resurrection techniques as an alternative to yet another "restructuring". We invited a few politicians as well but the consensus was the Cabinet, Dáil and Seanad had more than enough zombies as it stands.

Check out next week's RTE Guide for special offers on double-headed chickens (two sacrifices for the price of one), bowler hats, effigies and pins.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

LOL Excellent!
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

I can understand why Veritas ads are banned for being religious. What I cant understand is why ads for psychics, horoscopes and other alternative "new age" hocus pocus (quack cures, "faith healing", etc) are allowed.
I'm an atheist and I think it's stupid. This country has a Christian tradition and history. I'd take that any day over a Muslim tradition and culture. I see nothing wrong with cribs in schools, nativity plays or ads for cribs or Christian books on the radio.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

I can understand why Veritas ads are banned for being religious. What I cant understand is why ads for psychics, horoscopes and other alternative "new age" hocus pocus (quack cures, "faith healing", etc) are allowed.

You can even claim refunds from all the health-insurers for so-called 'alternative' health treatments.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

I'm sorry but we really have a regulator which thinks it might offend me, if a charity is asking me "Christmas: aren't we forgetting something?" in a radio advert?

In a country were 3 can advertise with claims of mobile broadband these civil servants are of the opinion that veritas could offend me by telling me that "This Christmas, why not give a gift that means more?" or by telling me "So to give a gift that means more, drop into your local Veritas shop or log on to www.veritas.ie"?

What is offensive here?

The fact that they tell us that christmas these days has nothing to do with their faith and is rather a consumer driven mass spectacle of who got more gifts?

The fact that they have the odosity to point out that instead of the shopping holidays this has become there is a deeper meaning to it? And maybe instead of spending 500€ at argos for the latest toys we can buy something for 505€ at veritas?

I read the final script for the advertising over and over again and I just can't find the offense here. But maybe I need to be a highly paid member of the BCI to understand the more complex problems of advertising.

I usualy don't give to christan charities because I don't follow their particular form or interpretation of religion but hell, if they accept money from non believers I just migth go over and give.

BCI - another body to add to the list of useless state agencies.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

What triggered the banning of this particular ad ? Did someone complain ?

Maybe someone needs to complain about ads for psychics etc.. before action is taken against those too ?
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

The Commission also had regard to a decision of the Broadcasting Complaints Commission in September 2008, upholding a complaint against a Veritas advertisement which was broadcast.

Yes, somebody complained.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

But this particular advert was censored proactivly. Yes I am using the word censored because that is what is going on here. The BCI is censoring the word "christmas" in an advert of a religous organisation. Goebels would be proud.

Following the problems veritas had last year when using the word "crib" (I'm not kidding) they proposed text to the BCI which rejected it, as you can read on the BCI webpages [broken link removed].

I bet you that similar adverts from companies that are not religous will not be censored.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

They ban mention of Christmas and crib by a private group willing to pay for it but yet they let the very Roman Catholic Angelus be broadcast courtesy of the taxpayer. Explain that to me.
if you look at the Angelus minute or so there is nothing to suggest it is religious - its a chance to take a moment to relax or pray, look to the sky like a weirdo, whatever...
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

if you look at the Angelus minute or so there is nothing to suggest it is religious - its a chance to take a moment to relax or pray, look to the sky like a weirdo, whatever...

I'm sorry but you are not correct, at the beginning of the angelus there is a clearly visible remark in the lower half of the screen called "RTE Religious".

It is quite clear that this is a religous broadcast and while it does not disturb me (as I can use the 1 minute before the news to start relaxing) it is clearly a remaining part of religous influence on RTE. And it does not disturb me at all, so I don't complain abou it.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

I agree.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

Let me first say that, while an atheist, I have no problem with this particular ad and as a proponent of free speech would have no problem with ads that overtly promote religious belief.

For some reason, such ads are illegal and as this ad is subtly inviting listeners to consider the religious aspect to Christmas, the BCI is legally correct not to allow its broadcast. As I said before, I think this law should be revoked.

Interestingly, Catholic groups are not outraged about this as a freedom of speech issue but simply because they being prevented from getting their own "spirtitual message" out there.

Most of their complaints are along the line of;

"How could anyone take offense at this ad and wouldn't be great to remind people of the deeper meaning of Christmas amongst the rampant consumerism?"
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

BCI regulates advertising on TV and Radio. One of the areas which is restricted is Religion but many ads deemed Political are too.

The Angelus is not an Ad, RTE produce a number of Religious Programmes which they are entitled to do. If Veritas had a disclaimer at the end of their ad claiming "for entertainment purposes only" as do the Psychic Hotlines etc they may escape the wrath of the BCI. Why this decision has led to Islam bashing on this thread is interesting. And as to the post which refers to Christianity as white, This post will be deleted if not edited immediately would turn in his grave!!!
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

This post will be deleted if not edited immediately would turn in his grave!!!

He's supposed to have been resurrected. Rather key tenet of Christianity that. Not in his grave to turn.
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

And as to the post which refers to Christianity as white, This post will be deleted if not edited immediately would turn in his grave!!!

Lollix said "You can't say anything that makes it look as if ireland is a country with a white christian type of heritage." so it can't be that post you are talking about... so which post is it?
Re: If Veritas ads are banned for being religous what about horoscopes, psychics, etc

Not exactly PC but not a full Crusade on Islam either.
Do you disagree with me?

BTW, I didn't say anything about Christians being white.