If the cavities are only 2 ins does it follow I must use kingspan on internal walls?


Registered User
I have read all the posts but for my sanity does it follow that as the cavities are 2 ins I should insulate all external walls on the inside ie use kingspan? I remain unconvinced.

Re: If the cavities are only 2 ins does it follow I must use kingspan on internal wal

Even if you fill the cavities you will not be able to bring the u value down to current regulations. Have you considered wrapping the house in insulation, Kinspan do a product suitable for this. The expensive bit is the polymer based plaster that goes over the insulation but might be worth it if you are trying to conserve space inside. There are contractors in the uk that specialise in this but haven't come across any here, presumably kingspan would be able to provide technical assistance to a general builder on installation.
This EIS (external insualtion and finishing system) has been commented on here before (by myself, Heinbloed and others). It's not approved by Homebond, I'm not aware of any system or installer that has an Irish Agrement Certificate either. Our climate poses particular problems for these systems: repeated cycles of hot/ cold, dry/ wet etc can cause hairline cracking which admits water over time and this will cause rapid detioration of such systems. Drylining and insulation internally is your best bet.
i might have confused people, what i meant by external walls was those walls that are on the actual structural part of the house and not the dividing walls between rooms. I meant should I put kingspan on the inside of these walls ie reduce the size of rooms by width of kingspan insulating board. i looked on kingspan site and saw that it is plasterboard with a silver insulating strip on one side that is attached to wall using 3 different methods and u then skim the other side to a smooth finish. i have read other posts and it is that which is putting me off but the 2 ins cavities have made me re-think.

thanks for replies.
