Not yet, Still waiting on them. Been waiting 4 weeks. Thats bad I will lose over 2000 in costs.
I'm sure I will get booking deposit back?
No Everything signed and done our end. Life assurance, House Insurance.
There is a problem that he didn't register a land split on the property where he built another house.
It has been going on weeks and his solicitor will not return my solicitors calls.
Long story.............
So If we pulled out tomorrow would we get our booking deposit back???
So you have signed contracts?No Everything signed and done our end...
Maybe I'm missing something, but I find it odd that someone would take out life assurance and house insurance before contracts are exchanged.
Not so strange, you cannot get your mortgage without documents from your life and house policies. Normally to get the mortgage set up in time for the sale to close as per the contract dates the policies would be set up early. Happened when i was buying my house anyway
I understand you can't get a mortgage without these documents - however there is no reason for activating the policies before the drawdown date, as appears to be the case with the OP here.
I definitely require my clients to have their life cover in place and activated prior to signing Contracts. Why? Just suppose they don't , and a purchaser becomes seriously unwell in between signing contracts and completing the deal, the life cover will be pulled and the purchaser stuffed. For the sake of a few weeks premium, better to be safe.
Ahh I never looked at it that way before.