If I knew then what I know now....?


Registered User
I have heard several people say this wistfully recently and it's got me thinking. What does experience teach you? What do you wish someone had told you when you were younger but you learned the hard way instead???? Would you have taken any notice of any advice given? Do some lessons have to be learned the hard way? What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
I dont think it works like that. You have to make the mistake first and then you know what not to do the next time round. After you have spent a life time at that then I think it might start working ( but I wouldn't be too sure ):
It's also a matter of people's receptivity. A young person is perfectly able to understand the importance of a pension, for example, when urged to consider one. Because it doesn't really register on their radar until much later, though, exactly the same advice given when they are ready mentally to "hear" it, will usually be more effective.
Well I'm still learning...sometimes the hard way. No matter what advice I give my children it doesn't seem to register either. It's more a case of, every day in every way I am getting better and better...or maybe three steps forward and two steps back.
I wish I'd known about Omega vitamins ... maybe my brain would not have shrunk so much.
I wish I'd had the maturity not to go to college straight out of school ... and got a job instead until I really knew what I wanted to do with my life.
wish I knew now what I will know tomorrow ie tonights lotto numbers :)
Think we tend to focus on missed opportunities when referring to "If I knew then what I know now" but do we make a lot of wise choices that we should be happy with now...esp without valuable info...

My own chestnut was a 1.5 acre site (with PP for a 3k sq foot house) I could have bought for IR52K just 4 miles from Cork city in 1998.....
