If both parents die intestate


Registered User
I have checked out various posts on the subject,but one quick question if this does happen I know all assets are shared equally among children,but does it cost more if they die intestacy is there a certain percentage's that the government take or is that a myth.
Do you need to get a solicitor to execute the will or can one of the family do that, just heard solicitor's can take alot of money for work that can easily be done by one of the family.

If both parents have died, intestate, then yes, very simply put - their estates are shared equally between their children.

The Government only gets inheritance tax if the value of each child's share is above the current threshold (€542,544 for 2009)
The mere fact that there is no will does not mean the government get any share. The State (Government) is the ultimate beneficiary in an estate only where absolutely no next of kin at all can be traced.

As they died intestate there is no will - so I think you mean do you need a solicitor to take out the grant of Letters of Administration - no - this can be done by one of the children if they feel up to the task. The staff in the Probate Office are very helpful to personal applicants.